Exploring Barre Chords + Note Theory - Lesson 2
Think of your barre finger (index) as a capo. Your barre finger presses down all the strings (like a capo) and this changes the key of the open strings. When you place the barre finger down and a common open chord, like E then you’re changing the chord of E to another chord. This is also called transposing. So a barre chord in essence is taking our common open chords and transposing them key to other keys which in turn makes different chords.
The most common open chords to transpose and use as barres are: E, Em, A, Am and all of their relative seven shapes. You can transpose other common open chords like C and D, but they’re less common.
In order for the above method to be effective it’s important you know the notes on the E and A string.
On the E string frets 3,5 and 7 have the notes G A B
On the A string frets 3,5 and 7 have the notes C D E
Commit the musical alphabet to memory:
A – A# – B – C – C# – D – D# – E – F – F# – G – G#
Every space in the alphabet has a sharp (#) except between B and C and E and F.
Every one fret movement going up the neck (towards the sound hole) is a one step movement up the musical alphabet.
See 2.50 in the video for a description of the above method when transposing an E chord into an F.
The same process described above can be performed with many common open chords.
Practising making your E chord with your middle, ring and pinky finger (the fingers you use when making a barre chord) is a great routine for moving your barre chords around. (see 5.17 in the video).
The A shape barre chord is more challenging than the E shape. My advice is to start with the E shape barres first and then onto A shapes.
Barre chords are NOT happening by accident. They are open chords that are being transposed to other chords!
Please email drue@learnguitarinlondon.com with either a video of yourself strumming the below chord sequences as barre chords or you could send in a picture of each chord that you have figured out.
Barre Chord Progression – Exercise 1
A – F#m – Bm – E
Barre Chord Progression – Exercise 2
G#m – B – F# – C#m
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