The Beauty Of Triads - Part 1- Lesson 16

Please download the document above for both parts of this lesson.


By the end of this two part lesson on triads I’d like you to be playing triads along with the backing track below.


A triad is a 3 note chord. All major and minor chords are made up of just 3 notes. You might be thinking “Drue, when I strum an E chord I hit 6 strings so there must be 6 notes? This is true, but out of those 6 strings you’re actually playing 3 different octaves of the E note and two different octaves of the B. An E chord is made up of E (1st) G# (3rd) and a B (5th).


A major chord is always made up of the 1st – 3rd – 5th (Remember the numbers come from our major scale Nashville system)

A minor chord is always made up of the 1st – flattened 3rd – 5th (Whenever we flatten a note interval it always means we go down one fret. So the only difference in a minor chord is moving the 3rd down a half step or one fret)



Now play your E string triads to the below backing track.

The chords in the backing track are: Am – D – G – C


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